Artist Khachanov Spartak "Attacks, Destruction Censorship in Art Institutions in Kyiv"
Project location: "Decommunia_tion", "Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz", Berlin, Germany, moderator by Evgenia Belorusets
The work of Art student Spartak Khachanov of the 'National Academy for Art and Architecture' in Kyiv lead to a severe dispute which escalated quickly. Right wing nationalists intervened and entered the academy. Luckily, they couldn't find the young artist, but they have been threating him with violence since. International media such as the BBC and TAZ reported the incident. A far-reaching debate originated from it, demanding a critical reflection of all art related participants. What functions have Art and education institutions in times of war and crisis?
Parts of the work have been destroyed by a professor of the academy. Another part of the installation is on it's way to Berlin and will be presented at the KHHP.
Talk & discussion: Artist Spartak Khachanov, Author Yevgenia Belorusets and students of the 'weißensee kunsthochschule berlin'.
Spartak Khachanov studies Art at the 'National Academy for Art and Architecture' in Kyiv and is in his 4th Semester. He is currently in the 'Artists at Risk' program in Helsinki.
Yevgenia Belorusets is an author, curator and Artist from Ukraine. She is part of the curatorial collective Hudrada. Their exhibition in the context of the Kyiv Biennale 2017 has been censored by the Museum.
The event is part of the international research and exhibition project 'Decommuni_ation / Декомуні_ація'.
The discussion will be in German, English, Ukrainian and Russian.
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